Miklos Philips

Lead UX/Product Designer
Miklos Philips - Product Designer, UX Designer, UX Strategist
On a quest for exceptional UX

My journey into user experience design began about 18 years ago, when I transitioned from visual design, interaction design and information architecture to a new and emerging field, UX and product design.

Since then, I have collaborated with various clients across industries, B2B and B2C, in New York, San Francisco, LA, and London.

My mission is to create product experiences that captivate and delight. To achieve this, I adopt user-centered design methodologies that rely on a multitude of research frameworks and user testing techniques. I also leverage my understanding of neuroscience, usability best practices, and mental models to ensure intuitive and pleasurable user experiences..

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The Neuroscience of User Experiences
The Neuroscience of User Experiences

Neuroscience is the scientific study of the brain and the nervous system. Neuroscience can help designers understand why people react...

Design Principles — Why a Design Works
Design Principles — Why a Design Works

Cognitive ease happens when there is no cognitive strain. When a design doesn’t work, we experience an interruption to our state of flow.

Complete Guide to UX Research Methods
The Complete Guide to UX Research Methods

Empathy is at the heart of design. Without the understanding of what others see, feel, and experience, design is a pointless task.

Mobile eCommerce Best Practices for UX with Infographic
Mobile eCommerce Best Practices for UX (Infographic)

Successful mobile eCommerce experiences can be achieved by following these eCommerce UX design best practices (infographic)...

AI and Design
The Tried and True Laws of UX (with Infographic)

As with cause and effect relationships, there are Laws of UX: predictable human behaviors a designer can use to design superior...

Anticipatory Design: How to Create Magical User Experiences
Anticipatory Design: How to Create Magical User Experiences

Anticipatory design is the UX technique of responding to user needs one step before they actually express those needs...

Design for Emotion to Increase User Engagement
Design for Emotion to Increase User Engagement

When done well, emotional design increases engagement and can elicit an emotion that will deliver a positive response in users...

AI and Design
The Present and Future of AI in Design

AI has become an over-hyped buzzword and the design world is no exception. Instead of resisting it, designers will soon be co-creating...

Design Psychology and the Neuroscience of Awesome UX
Design Psychology and the Neuroscience of Awesome UX

Human cognition is complex, and many factors play into instant impressions. Design psychology is coming to the forefront...

Principles of Dark UI Design
In the Spotlight: the Principles of Dark UI Design

Dark UIs can be stylish, dramatic, and elegant. But despite the potential benefits, they come with many challenges and potential pitfalls.

UX Deliverables
The 10 UX Deliverables Top Designers Use

Regardless of the environment or size of a project, UX professionals need a variety of deliverables to help facilitate design communication...

Anticipatory, Persuasive and Emotional Design
The Ultimate UX Hook – Anticipatory & Emotional Design

Some products prove irresistible because they combine psychological design techniques that create an ultimate UX hook...

Interaction Design Principles
Boost Your UX with These Interaction Design Principles

Interaction design principles form the bedrock of awesome UX. Truly great interaction design relies on a set of conventions, standards...

Heuristic Analysis for UX
Heuristic Analysis for UX - How to Run a Usability Evaluation

How do we run a heuristic analysis effectively by employing a group of usability experts to dramatically improve a product’s UX?...

Dark UI
Dark UIs. The Good and the Bad. Dos and Don’ts

Dark-themed UIs can be dramatic, stylish and elegant. But despite the many benefits, they come with a slew of challenges and potential pitfalls...

Human-Centered Design
The Importance of Human-centered Design

Human-centered design is about solving problems, not implementing solutions. This guide provides an overview of HCD, a process that...

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